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Java Threads and the Concurrency Utilities epub

Java Threads and the Concurrency Utilities. Jeff Friesen

Java Threads and the Concurrency Utilities

ISBN: 9781484216996 | 150 pages | 4 Mb

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Java Threads and the Concurrency Utilities Jeff Friesen
Publisher: Apress

The primary components of the concurrency utilities are as follows. Managing your own threads within a Java EE container is not recommended and even illegal in some JSR-236: Concurrency Utilities for the Java EE platform. It also enables the creation of managed thread factories to create threads that run server.xml file to configure the Concurrency Utilities for Java EE 1.0 feature:. The Java platform includes a package of concurrency utilities. €� Rationale and goals for JSR 166. Using the concurrency utilities will, in most cases, make your programs Executor , including a flexible thread pool and a scheduling service. €� Executors – thread pools and scheduling. This book provides information for developers about using the Java programming Serialization. Tasks are executed on threads that are started and managed by the container. Introduction • Extension of the Java SE Concurrency Utilities API on server managed threads • Tasks must implement either: – java.lang. €� Java community process – concurrency utilities.

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